Monday, August 29, 2011

Art and Culture of Bangladesh


Bangladesh is a melting
pot of races. She,
therefore, has a mixed
culture. Her deep rooted
heritage is amply reflected
in her architecture,
literature, dance, drama,
music and painting.
Bangladeshi culture is
influenced by three great
religions- Hinduism,
Buddhism and Islam in
successive order, with
Islam having the most
pervading and lasting
impact. Like a colorful
montage, the cultural
tradition of the country is
a happy blending of many
variants, unique in
diversity but in essence
greatly symmetrical.


A series of festivals
varying from race to race
are observed here. Some
of the Muslim rites are Eid-
e-Miladunnabi, Eid-ul-Fitr,
Eid-ul-Azha, Muharram
etc. Hindus observe
Durga Puja, Saraswati
Puja, Kali Puja and many
other pujas. Christmas
( popularly called Baradin
in Bangla ) is observed by
Christians. Also there are
some common festivities,
which are observed
countrywide by people
irrespective of races.
Pahela Baishakh (the first
day of Bangla year) is
such a festival. National
festivals are Independence
Day (26th March), 21st
February (the National
Mourning Day and World
Mother Language Day),
The Victory Day (16th
December), Rabindra &
Nazrul Jayanti etc.


Bangalees have a rich
literary heritage. The
earliest available specimen
of Bengali literature is
about a thousand years
old. During the mediaeval
period. Bengali Literature
developed considerably
with the patronage of
Muslim rulers. Chandi
Das, Daulat Kazi and Alaol
are some of the famous
poets of the period. The
era of modern Bengali
Literature began in the late
nineteenth century
Rabindranath Tagore, the
Nobel Laureate is a vital
part of Bangalee culture.
Kazi Nazrul Islam, Michael
Madhusudan Datta. Sarat
Chandra Chattopadhaya,
Bankim Chandra
Chattopadhaya , Mir
Mosharraf Hossain and
Kazi Ahdul Wadud are the
pioneers of modern
Bengali Literature.


The traditional music in
Bangladesh shares the
perspectives of that of the
Indian sub-continent.
Music in Bangladesh can
be divided into three
distinct categories -
classical, folk and modern.
The classical music, both
vocal and instrumental is
rooted in the remote past
of the sub-continent.
Ustad Alauddin Khan and
Ustad Ayet Ali Khan are
two names in classical
instrumental music who
are internationally known.
The store of folk song
abounds in spiritual lyrics
of Lalan Shah, Hasan Raja,
Romesh Shill and many
anonymous lyricists.
Bangla music arena is
enriched with Jari, Shari,
Bhatiali, Murshidi and
other types of folk songs.
Rabindra Sangeet and
Nazrul Sangeet are
Bangalees' precious
heritage. Modern music is
also practiced widely.
Contemporary patterns
have more inclinations to
west. Pop song and band
groups are also coming
up mainly in Dhaka City.